Wednesday, March 29, 2017

6 (and a half!) months

Our sweet Hainesy is half of a year old. As always, new milestones tug at mommas heart and I can't believe it. My little newborn is gone and he is all baby. He is seriously too sweet and smiley. We are still working on his sleeping, but he has gotten better for sure. He takes two naps a day and nurses about 6 times still. He has tried bananas, avocado, and mum mums.  He is really, really trying to crawl and sit up. He loves to be held or worn. He is very interested in Charlie Banks and tries to reach for him anytime he is near.  No teeth yet, but everything still goes straight to the mouth. We love him so, so much!

Monday, March 20, 2017


We are moving right along with our letters of the day. Some days with more momentum than others, but goodness gracious has our Charlie Banks been a hot mess lately. The poor thing has had a rough week!  He does have his two year molars popping through, was feeling a tad under the weather (I think) and has had a tough time adjusting to life without daddy again I.e. not as much attention.  This being said, he has really been out of control. Hitting, scratching, kicking, head banging, hair name it...and laughing in my face with any discipline rendered. Poor mommy and poor Hainesy. Whew, let's hope this naughtiness passes as quickly as it came on.

We played with our cars on a road we made in the shape of the letter c, painted a cow, and had a car wash after we got paint on our cars!

We made donuts for breakfast with green sprinkles for St Patrick's Day!

We had eggs for breakfast then went to the children's museum with our cousins!  As you can see we got a little off track here!

We went to the aquarium to look at all of the fish!!

Nothing to do with G, but we spent the morning at the dentist (CB did great!!), went to pet smart to pick out a fish (I wanted to do yesterday for F, but didn't happen), and to Chick-fil-A.  Jimmys parents were sweet enough to watch Haines while CB and I spent the morning together. I think he is desperately needing some of my one on one attention. We do plan to go to the grocery store and a golf cart ride after there are our "g"'s!  Ha.

Hopefully we can get back on track, but regardless it is helping us pass the days!  Charlie Banks reminds me every morning to tear a link off of our countdown cute.