Friday, January 8, 2016

Charlie Banks is ONE!

How did that happen?!?  Our baby is ONE!  It just doesn't seem possible.  We didn't do any big party...simply because we were leaving for Costa Rica two days after Christmas so there really wasn't a good time.  The day after Christmas we did have a few people over for some cake to celebrate.  He wanted nothing to do with his smash cake that I made him!  He did LOVE the attention though.  He has started "walking" and is very proud of himself.  He loves waving and saying hi.  He loves to mimic the sounds we make or if we stick our tongue out etc.  He still sleeps from 7-7 and takes 1-2 naps.  He still has 6 teeth, but his behavior definitely indicates that more are on the way.  He loves fruit, yogurt, and toast.  We are still working on the veggies.  I mash up some white beans and put in his yogurt to sneak in some veggies.  He loves smoothies too, so I sneak in spinach and carrots there.  He likes green beans as well.  I am trying to do away with the pouches of food and stick to actual food from now on.  We will offer him real milk for the first time later today after I make it to the store.  He still doesn't care for his sippy cup much, but I think that will change once we start cutting back on the nursing.  He still nurses 3 times a day.  Once when he wakes up, after his first nap, and before bed.  He plays by himself really well and will push anything around the house all day long.  He weighs 21.3 pounds and is 29.5 inches long...which puts him in the 40th percentile for both height and weight.  Happy first birthday to our precious Charlie Banks!



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