Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Dentist Round Two

We spent this morning at the dentist for Charlie Banks' second check-up!  We had to get in lots of play time at the park afterwards to help him recover. It's pretty safe to say he isn't a fan!

Monday, August 29, 2016


Jimmy and I had a nice date at Trattoria Luca on Thursday night thanks to his mom watching CB for us. Delicious Italian!  We had a science experiment with our yeti and the fake yeti from Walmart that is a quarter of the price. It was literally a tie...so crazy!  It took probably 30 something hours for the ice to completely melt in both of them. My friends and sister spoiled me with gifts and brunch at Halls yesterday to celebrate our babies arrival so soon.  So incredibly sweet of them and much appreciated. The forecast for the week is calling for some rain and I am pretty excited about it!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What We've Been Up To...

Jimmy had to go to Walterboro twice this week to take a class for work. On Monday we played at Alhambra Hall which is one of my favorite playgrounds. Tuesday we played at our neighborhood playground and watched Jimmy play tennis. After dinner on Tuesday we had fun riding the golf cart to tcby for momma and house of brews for daddy. Today we met our bestie Stephanie for breakfast at Pages Okra Grill then hit up Sky Zone for toddler time. Nesting has really kicked in and I've gotten a lot of work done so far this week!

Sunday, August 21, 2016


We had a busy and fun weekend!  Friday we ran some errands...mainly shopped at the outlets to try to find a few more clothes to fit my belly for the next month!  Saturday morning we went to a trial kindermusic class, then to our friend Ellison's first birthday party and next we were off to our bestie, Hunter's, first birthday!  So much celebrating and fun with friends!  It was a great day. We held our breath and tried the church nursery again this morning. We made it about 40 minutes before our number was paged and I am considering that progress ha!  He calmed down a lot faster once we got him compared to the past couple weeks, too. We met Jimmy's parents and sister for brunch at the yacht club afterwards. That is always a delicious treat!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Me Day

Yesterday was full of me time...rare these days!  We took CB to jump at Sky Zone in the morning, then I was off to get a mani/pedi and massage at Woodhouse Day Spa. That place is heaven!  I got pictures of CB skinny dipping while I was gone...so I guess he was in good hands with daddy ha!  Last night I went to see Bad Moms to celebrate a besties birthday.  Talk about hysterical!  A fun day with some mommy breaks thanks to Jimmy!